You’ve just purchased a new home and moved in, expecting everything to be working perfectly. After a few weeks, or a few months, a defect shows up. What are your rights?
How Informal Discovery Conferences May Reduce Costs
The discovery phase of a lawsuit can account for one-half or more of the total costs of litigation, especially if the counsel for one party is dissatisfied with the answers to the interrogatories submitted to the other party.
Business Interruption Claims and COVID
When the pandemic and government shelter-at-home orders took effect in March 2020, many businesses in California and across the nation were forced to shut down as a precautionary measure to help check the spread of the virus.
Are Non-Competes Enforceable in California?
As the owner of a business, you want to protect yourself from unfair competition, including employees who leave to go work for a competitor, especially if those departing employees take with them proprietary information that could be used against you to gain an advantage.
What to Do When You Suspect Your Business Partner of Fraud
Operating a business with a partner or partners can present a unique set of challenges. Often, partners don’t agree on the direction of the company, or one partner may try to exert too much influence and control. When things get tough, one partner may seek a quick exit and demand to be bought out.
Breach of Express or Implied Warranty
Imagine that you own a business selling consumer products, and suddenly you’re faced with a slew of lawsuits over one particular product. The consumers are alleging a breach of warranty. You review the warranty and decide either they didn’t read it correctly or they caused the problem that they are now seeking compensation for. What do you do?
What Evidence is Admissible in a Contract Dispute?
We’ve all heard the saying “the best-laid plans of mice and men,” and that certainly applies when it comes to business agreements and contracts. Partners may start out thinking they have a mutually beneficial pact with clear-cut goals and responsibilities, only to find later that their “meeting of the minds” wasn’t as clear-cut as they thought.
Understanding Buy-Sell Agreements
Businesses with more than one owner can face serious problems if one owner needs to leave the operation for whatever reason — unless there is a binding buy-sell agreement between the partners.
The Key to Drafting<br/> an Enforceable<br/> Shareholder Settlement
In the course of running a business, certain issues often arise. Agreements that determine how disputes between shareholders will be settled must be properly drafted to protect shareholders and prepare for potential contingencies.
Do Hazardous Waste Regulations Apply<br/> to Your Business?
If your business requires the use of cleaning solvents, or even if it relies on electronic components such as computers, then you’re most likely using what are classified as hazardous materials.